Thursday, July 14, 2005

Soul's Song (Prologue 2)

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Shifting slowly then picking up some momentum, the chorus of figures poured their voices into a wordless and seemingly ancient song. Mysterious and heavy, the tune drifted through the tranquil night air, ripping through the silence like a dull blade. Increasing ever so gradually, the voices crescendoed to a climax. And in their midst the young man stiffened; his fit of shivers momentarily halted.

"Mother of love embrace me... father of light protect thy child... mother of love..." he whispered hoarsely, over and over again. The litany ran off his lips in a desperate stream, while all around him, the men stopped singing one by one.

And silence reigned once more.

A tear streaked face jerked upwards to look at the face of the man who had put him through all this. And at the head of the circle, the old man robed in white pushed back his hood. His face shone with pride and relief as he steadily strode toward the young man on his knees.

"There has never been a happier day in this withered man's life. I welcome you my son," he bent down to whisper.

The reply was fiery, "How could you stand there knowing that I could have perished? How could you..." the young man choked off a sob.

"Please, this is was a test of faith child. A test that I knew..."

"You knew nothing!"

"Please child..."

His parting words were pained, "Leave me be father".

Sighing deeply, the old man and walked slowly back to his position in the circle, his eyes now shadowed with sadness. "We acknowledge His favour on you young Darran. And welcome you into the fold, we will. Rise brother, for the Song has chosen you".

Darran scrambled to his feet, keeping his head low to hide this tears. He was done, but the litany was on his lips once more.

"Mother of love embrace me... father of light protect thy child... "

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