Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Soul's Song (Prologue 1)

This is just something to start off with

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IT was about to begin. The ring of heavily cowled men stood reverently still with their arms placed at their sides. High above, the pearly moon cast a soft luminence over those gathered in the clearing; firmly holding back the night's oppressive shadows. There was not a rustle in the still night air, nor even a whisper of expelled breath.

At the precise centre of the silent circle was a kneeling figure with his head bowed low. One could almost sense the agitation in his stillness, like a frightened animal ready to bolt. He was dressed in a simple grey woolen robe with its hood thrown back to expose a young, angular face. Dark black hair adorned the young man's head, glistening slightly in the moon's light and hanging down in front of the right half of his face, almost to the chin. His arms gripped the folds of his robe at the sides tighly, and a slight tigthening around his eyes revealed just how much strength he was exerting. It may not have been abject terror, but something was scaring him.

The quietude was broken, when a person in the ring lifted his hooded face to the sky. A hint of snowy white hair could be seen under the shadowed folds of an equally white hooded-robe. Suddenly a low note sounded from him, powered and projected by a resonant bass voice. Not long after, every member of the mysterious circle added their own voice to his, creating a minor chord of choral voices to pierce the silence of the night. They were oblivious to the young man on his knees, who had begun to shiver...

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To be continued...

New Beginnings; Art - Descent

Divine Is My Might Posted by Hello

"Thorndike, with wings-n'-dings. All the manga-izedness and roboticness led me to putting it in Zone 47 instead of Loth, even tho it could fit in both really. Darnit, I wish you could see it at a bigger size, I put so much detail into the body that aren't noticeable.... :("

- Copyright Devon Cady-Lee (Link in Title)

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This is my world of imaginings. A place where the fantastic and the magical can come alive with words. I welcome all whose journeys have taken them to this place of sanctuary; a place where one can immerse him or herself in my stories. At the same time, I pay homage to great writers who I can only hope to emulate, the names of whom will adorn the top of this weblog.

In addition to, hopefully, regular posts, I will also pay tribute to fantasy artists whose works have caught my eye and share their work with you.
