Monday, September 21, 2009

Soul's Song (Chapter 1.3)

"Lad, how be your fath-" Marlon began, but was swiftly interrupted.

"The High Ariahlasa... I refer to him by nothing else."

"Aye," sighed the craftsman. "Lord Loral'anthas... There be talk among the circles lad, the Council(1) is being assembled, aye?" It wasn't so much a question but a statement. Darran was fondly attached to the dear man before him, but it was Marlon's networks that originally drew the young Ariah to him.

Darran replied tentatively, "The High Ariahlasa does not divulge such details to me Marlon. Not as if I really want him to, but you're not wrong. And I do not have the slightest inclination to care."

With a heavy sigh Marlon carefully placed the flute on the counter. He shook his head before continuing, "Not in my lifetime... Bah, but who be I to chide the son of the High Aria?" He fixed his gaze steadily on Darran, "As I said, there be talk. And there be sentiment. The city's circles be concerned that this be an unwelcome incursion by other lands, but can't string enough bravado together to speak up."

"The delegations are small, and each Sect will be escorted by our own," Darran explained.

"Aye that is welcome news, but sentiment be a boil that be ready to burst and hurt ye where ye least expect."

"And my Order is as closed mouthed as ever; I see the picture."

Marlon nodded, "But I'll see what can be done now that I have something to fight with eh? Spread a new sentiment to keep the aggressor busy, and let them exchange fists till the shadow of trouble passes on."

"You have a way with words old man," laughed Darran.

"As ye know I d-" Once again the shopkeeper was abruptly interrupted. This time by a high-pitched squeal of delight that made him grit his teeth and roll his eyeballs.

* * * *

(1)The Council was a gathering of the leaders of all the mystical disciplines throughout the lands, Ariahs being a sect that delved into the connection between the soul and the mystical energies that surround everything. The expression of the soul, and its link to these chaotic swirls of pure magical energy lay in the practitioner's artful and 'heart-ful' creations through creative works in art and music. However this link could never be achieved without the summoning of familiars, that in reality, formed the very link between the artist and the crafting of magic. But the Ariah's were only a small part of the varied mystical disciplines. Sages, Shadow Weavers, Druids, and many others each took a single seat in the Council's sixteen positions. Throughout the millennia that passed by since it's inception, the Council's gatherings have been few and far between, and it's rare for one to live to be in the same era as a Council Assembly. 'The Tamers of Chaos' became a commonplace term to refer to the members of the mystical sects, and each sect jealously guarded their own secrets; all the while manoeuvring against each other to gain leverage.